Saturday 28 February 2009

It's my birthday! Too old to party too young to stay in!

Have I told you how much I love music? Any type (well with the exception of the more weirder forms of Jazz.) Having teenage children means I am in touch with contemporary stuff, some of which I love. I am still a Radio One listener, well Radio One in the car, Radio 4 to wake up to and perhaps for the Archers at 7:00. The other day Scott Mills, he's the one that does the "drive time" slot, was berating the music that your parents listened to. As examples he chose things like "The Birdy song", Orville and "Whatsa matter you".

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think people of my generation ever bought that stuff. I think it was people like my Granny who bought it. But here's the point, in any generation there will be music that you are ashamed of buying, but it all has it's good points. I never got into the Birdy song, but at loads of parties a lot of people have taken great delight in it. Lining up in ranks, opening and closing their fingers and bouncing, endless hours of amusement. So I say, bring it on, I would rather listen to Basehunter, than never listen to music again.

Just for interest, in the time it has taken me to write this piece, I have played some Seasick Steve (Google him and watch him on You Tube, there is an unusual rock star if you ever saw one.) Also Lady Sovereign - So Human. Can anyone tell me what Cure record it's a cover of, it's on the tip of my tongue.........

So, it's my Birthday and to celebrate I am off to see Nick Harper will let you know how good he was tomorrow ;-)

Monday 23 February 2009

Papal bull or not your choice

For those of you who don't know a papal bull is a type of letter, normally an edict issued by the Pope. Wikipedia says it was named after the Bulla, a clay seal which was appended to the end to prove authenticity. It came into my mind when I noticed an advert on my blog from "My Vatican" promising me a guaranteed audience with the pope. Now I am not sure what in my blog made adsense advertise the pope, perhaps it is cleverer than I think.

Historically, I was raised a catholic and I can remember the excitement of actually having an audience with the pope when I was a child. (We are talking a few decades ago now.) My memories not so good with these sort of details, but I suspect it was Paul VI (1963-78) rather than Blessed John XXIII (1958-63). So, I hear you say, what was it like? My recollection was that it was somewhat akin to modern day TV show production. There was an extensive queue, in which we stood for a while. We were ushered into a large auditorium with rows of seats, much like a cinema. Tension built as the time approached, along with the general hubbub of noise. There was a warm up comedian ("Did you here the one about the leprous drummer? His arms fell off boom boom!") The appointed time arrived and his Holiness came onto the stage.

Now for comedic effect I would like to say at this point that the nuns ran screaming to the barriers at the front, threw their knickers onto the stage and yelled "We love you Paul", but I think that was at a Beatles concert I attended in later years. In reality I don't recollect that happening. What I do seem to remember is being a very long way away. So much so that in my minds eye he is now a small person on the stage in the distance (like Madonna at a stadium gig.) He rattled of a few prayers, gave a few blessings then headed off down the pub. All in all a bit disappointing.

The point is, when you look at the adverts on my pages, you cannot always take them at face value. If they offer you an audience with the Pope, make sure you understand what you are getting. Do feel free to click through to find out more, but please don't come back and berate me if you don't read the small print.

By the way, I had a quick look at My Vatican tour and if you are interested their USP seems to be they can help you skip the queue. Could not find clarity about the cosiness of the audience, so suspect the worst. Next time you are in Rome, look them up. Give my regards to Benedict if you do see him.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Well that's good news......

Onanists rule OK. No other comment ;-)

YOYOY - Why oh why oh why?

Why do we have news?

Am I alone in finding the news depressing? Why do you never see good news on the telly? It all about fires, death, disaster, credit crunches, recession, arrrgghhhh!

So here you will only see good news, I will make it my life long ambition to find and bring you good news. Watch this space.

Friday 20 February 2009

Lies damn lies and statistics

I remember in the old days when you could only get the internet in black and white, there was a site called It stood for lie of the day and every day they published a new lie. My favourite was "Polos are made out of the crushed bones of whales". Sadly this site is no more, and many like sites seem to have followed in their footsteps and similarly fallen by the way side.

There is a contemporary site I can recommend "Newsbiscuit". This publishes a daily lie article (bit like most of the tabloids, but in the case of this site they admit to making it up).

My favourite article this week:
Meek still waiting admits Pope
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has conceded that there have been unforeseen delays regarding an outstanding commitment made nearly 2000 years ago. In an official communique, the Vatican acknowledged: ‘although it was promised that the Meek shall inherit the Earth, there appear to have been some delays fulfilling this aspiration, and we would ask the Meek to bear with us as we look into the possible causes for this apparent hold-up.’
See the full article here

Whilst you are there have a look at Depressed Twitter addict fails to get suicide note down to 140 characters You can subscribe to a daily email from the site, I recommend it to cheer up some otherwise dismal days.

By the way did you know just as flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp, shrimp are pink because they eat flamingos.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

OK so I am staying in a Travel Lodge (near Cambridge if your interested, Fenstanton) and I'm having a shower, no graphic details, when I see a sign on the wall. It says "please take care when walking or standing in the wet."

Well it struck me as a bit weird, but there I was, under the shower. It was wet. I was standing in it, but I wasn't taking care!! A mild panic grabbed me, what should I do, my initial reaction was run (it didn't say anything about not running) but space was limited, less than 4 feet. So I calmed myself, "What's the worst that can happen?" I thought. I steadied my breathing, continued my shower, but decided not to close my eyes, just in case. You never know!

Before I knew it I had soap in my eyes, I grabbed for the towel and tried to get out of there. Slipped on the wet floor, lost my balance and ended up flat on my back on the floor. Now I understood the warning. Tell you what next time I am having a bath!

Saturday 14 February 2009

Today is the 14th of February, two weeks into the month, half way through and we all know the importance of that don't we? Yup, only 2 weeks to my birthday!!!! Whoop, whoop!

The trouble is that as the years go by and a few have gone by in my life, the importance of the annual celebration becomes less. It all seems such a pain! Getting presents is always nice, but do I really want to celebrate feeling older each day? Normally not, but this year I think I am going to be different!

Life is about friends and family. Without them we are nothing, lonely souls heading towards the end of a lonely life. So this year I want a birthday party. Nothing big you understand, I thought a few friends, pizza's, jelly and ice-cream, maybe a couple of rounds of musical chairs or pass the parcel. I'll let you know.

Oh, I suppose I ought mention the other important event of 14th February, Valentines day. Now I know I am getting old, but am I the only one who thinks the big V day is over hyped. OK, I have to put my cards on the table here and state that I, categorically, have never understood the concept. You see a boy/girl that you like, so you send him/her an anonymous card, with some trite love ditty on it in the hope that he/she will guess it was you and fall into a romantic swoon? No way, get a life! If you really like someone, walk over to them and say "I really like you, fancy a...../insert activity here/." That way you will know straight away what your chances are 1) get a smile you are in, a coy glance away, you are probably in, a grimace, well there's a lot of good stuff on the telly tonight.

Now I am not saying that the "my mate fancies you" approach is the only way to do this, but it's got to be better than an anonymous card surely.