Saturday 14 February 2009

Today is the 14th of February, two weeks into the month, half way through and we all know the importance of that don't we? Yup, only 2 weeks to my birthday!!!! Whoop, whoop!

The trouble is that as the years go by and a few have gone by in my life, the importance of the annual celebration becomes less. It all seems such a pain! Getting presents is always nice, but do I really want to celebrate feeling older each day? Normally not, but this year I think I am going to be different!

Life is about friends and family. Without them we are nothing, lonely souls heading towards the end of a lonely life. So this year I want a birthday party. Nothing big you understand, I thought a few friends, pizza's, jelly and ice-cream, maybe a couple of rounds of musical chairs or pass the parcel. I'll let you know.

Oh, I suppose I ought mention the other important event of 14th February, Valentines day. Now I know I am getting old, but am I the only one who thinks the big V day is over hyped. OK, I have to put my cards on the table here and state that I, categorically, have never understood the concept. You see a boy/girl that you like, so you send him/her an anonymous card, with some trite love ditty on it in the hope that he/she will guess it was you and fall into a romantic swoon? No way, get a life! If you really like someone, walk over to them and say "I really like you, fancy a...../insert activity here/." That way you will know straight away what your chances are 1) get a smile you are in, a coy glance away, you are probably in, a grimace, well there's a lot of good stuff on the telly tonight.

Now I am not saying that the "my mate fancies you" approach is the only way to do this, but it's got to be better than an anonymous card surely.

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