Saturday 28 February 2009

It's my birthday! Too old to party too young to stay in!

Have I told you how much I love music? Any type (well with the exception of the more weirder forms of Jazz.) Having teenage children means I am in touch with contemporary stuff, some of which I love. I am still a Radio One listener, well Radio One in the car, Radio 4 to wake up to and perhaps for the Archers at 7:00. The other day Scott Mills, he's the one that does the "drive time" slot, was berating the music that your parents listened to. As examples he chose things like "The Birdy song", Orville and "Whatsa matter you".

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think people of my generation ever bought that stuff. I think it was people like my Granny who bought it. But here's the point, in any generation there will be music that you are ashamed of buying, but it all has it's good points. I never got into the Birdy song, but at loads of parties a lot of people have taken great delight in it. Lining up in ranks, opening and closing their fingers and bouncing, endless hours of amusement. So I say, bring it on, I would rather listen to Basehunter, than never listen to music again.

Just for interest, in the time it has taken me to write this piece, I have played some Seasick Steve (Google him and watch him on You Tube, there is an unusual rock star if you ever saw one.) Also Lady Sovereign - So Human. Can anyone tell me what Cure record it's a cover of, it's on the tip of my tongue.........

So, it's my Birthday and to celebrate I am off to see Nick Harper will let you know how good he was tomorrow ;-)

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