Tuesday 3 March 2009

Doing a Wendy

Today, I wish to propose a new verb to the English language. It's to Wendy (someone or something). Wendy is a good friend, with a huge heart, but she has a terrible ability to turn a success into a disaster. Some examples might help you to understand how to (do a) Wendy.

1) Wendy was on holiday, sitting in the bar with friends drinking. She decided to go to the toilet, picked up her handbag (why do women do that, what's in the handbag they need?) Sadly the handbag handle caught on the table dragging all the drinks off the table onto the floor. My daughter has done this Wendy!
2) Wendy decided to buy a coffee table on Ebay, she was so excited, her opening bid was winning and indeed did win. She was pleased as punch, her bid was £1.00, plus the delivery £1.50 means she got her table for a bargain price. Only trouble was when it arrived, it was a dolls house coffee table.
3) Wendy had the decorators in, (no that is not a euphemism) to do the toilet, hall stairs and landing, but spotted they had missed odd bits. She decided to touch up the bits they had missed. The toilet was china, the hall stairs and landing cream, she touched up with ......magnolia. (I must admit I have done this.)

So the question is what do I need to do to get this wonderful lady into the dictionary? I assume that if the word becomes part of common parlance it will become adopted into the language, take bungalow (an Indian word) as an example. My wish is therefore in your hands. When someone does something beyond normal actions, please say out loud, "You just did a Wendy". Before long it will be in the dictionary, thanks for your help ;-).

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